Tuesday 30 September 2014

NYX Blusher Review

So I may be a bit late on the Bandwagon here but I just have to say that I love these blushers! This one is one of my favorites and is in the colour Peach. The reason I decided to write a post about this was to let all you fellow UK folk that NYX is now available in store at Next- I was so excited when I found out.
If you haven't tried anything from NYX before the blushes are a great way to start! Retailing at £6 they are affordable and you get a great amount of pigment for what it is you are paying for! Definitely check them out if you haven't already!

Thanks for reading! X

P.S - If there is ever any product you want review just drop me a comment and I'll give it a try for you!


Monday 29 September 2014

Whats in my bag?

Here's a fun post for all you people like me who love to have a nosy about in other peoples bags on the internet!

So here is my bag:

As you can see it is a black slouchy bag from River Island. I've had this a few years now so they no longer sell it- sorry! :(

And here is a sneak peak of what was inside: 

So we have my holographic purse (which I love and also have a mini version of) which is from River Island. 

My Victoria Secret Body Lotion in Pure Seduction which I have been using recently as a hand cream. This is a mini version so is good for transporting about. 

My sunglasses are from Forever 21 and have pokadots on the outside f the arms, and a floral design (which you can just about see in the picture) on the inside.

My Vaseline in Pink Bubbly is a must!

My headphones always have to be there and are always
 in a knot.

Other than the Vaseline the only other lip product I found was my Philosophy lipgloss in Daiquirir

And then every girl needs to have multiple hair ties in their bag!

On the left there is my tiger print notebook from Topshop which I use for keeping a whole host of random lists (and a pen to write in it with of course)

And on the right I have my current book of choice which is The Phantom of the Opera. This is one of my favorite stories ever and I could read it again and again. 

So there we have it, that's everything in my bag (minus all the clutter that I left out such as my collection of receipts..there was a lot...)

Thanks for reading guys! X


5 Tips to Being a Better You

1. Spend at least 7 hours in the Land of Nod- I know, I know, everyone says it, but they say it for a reason! I used to be one of those people who stayed up to 2am watching Youtube videos and just generally surfing nonsense on the web. I'll tell you now that I just couldn't go back! If it gets past 10pm I feel guilty that I'm not in bed! Now once I got into this good sleeping habit I didn't suddenly transform into superwoman who had 100% brain power; but what I did gain was just a more "ready to take on the day" attitude. It honestly feels so good to just be more refreshed throughout the day.
- Don't give up hope after one good nights sleep if you still feel groggy the next day, it takes a couple of weeks to really start realizing that you couldn't do without those few extra hours. 

2. Good morning, good morning- start off the day with a positive tune to get your spirits going (https://play.spotify.com/user/skyesthelimit003/playlist/62zguERiz2RINjaM18CTQo) Just listening to a positive song whilst your doing your make-up- or in the shower if you are one of those snazzy people with the shower radios- can really make a change to your attitude for the day.

3. Beware of the Midnight snack- I don't know about you but I always find myself hungry when I get into bed. Sometimes I choose to wind down to some Youtube videos and after watching an Essiebuttonvlog I'm always craving some ramen, However I do try my best to resist! Eating late at night can cause major breakouts so whilst I always fancy a snack (or meal) at the time, I know that my future, broken out self will regret it.
- If you really wan something try a glass of water or some peppermint tea (sometimes just the taste of that will curb cravings- or you may even have just been confusing hunger for thirst- which is something I am guilty of!)

4.Give the animals some love- We all love our little furry animals but sometimes we can get caught up in the hussle and bussle in our lives and they can take a backseat. Take your dog to that further stretch of the park that you normally don't make it to- they'll get all excited and whilst their tails are wagging, your legs will be burning those extra few calories. Treat your cat to those extra special biscuits once and a while and let your hamster have an extra few minutes in his wheel. But most importantly just take some more time out of your day to devote to them.
-If you don't have a pet then go to round to a friends that does for a cuddle or alternatively watch cute videos online.I love this one!

5. Seasonal Tip- Invest in a new pair of slippers. Honestly the best part of my day is taking my shoes off and changing into mine! I now cant believe I was someone who used to walk about their house bare footed!