Monday 29 September 2014

5 Tips to Being a Better You

1. Spend at least 7 hours in the Land of Nod- I know, I know, everyone says it, but they say it for a reason! I used to be one of those people who stayed up to 2am watching Youtube videos and just generally surfing nonsense on the web. I'll tell you now that I just couldn't go back! If it gets past 10pm I feel guilty that I'm not in bed! Now once I got into this good sleeping habit I didn't suddenly transform into superwoman who had 100% brain power; but what I did gain was just a more "ready to take on the day" attitude. It honestly feels so good to just be more refreshed throughout the day.
- Don't give up hope after one good nights sleep if you still feel groggy the next day, it takes a couple of weeks to really start realizing that you couldn't do without those few extra hours. 

2. Good morning, good morning- start off the day with a positive tune to get your spirits going ( Just listening to a positive song whilst your doing your make-up- or in the shower if you are one of those snazzy people with the shower radios- can really make a change to your attitude for the day.

3. Beware of the Midnight snack- I don't know about you but I always find myself hungry when I get into bed. Sometimes I choose to wind down to some Youtube videos and after watching an Essiebuttonvlog I'm always craving some ramen, However I do try my best to resist! Eating late at night can cause major breakouts so whilst I always fancy a snack (or meal) at the time, I know that my future, broken out self will regret it.
- If you really wan something try a glass of water or some peppermint tea (sometimes just the taste of that will curb cravings- or you may even have just been confusing hunger for thirst- which is something I am guilty of!)

4.Give the animals some love- We all love our little furry animals but sometimes we can get caught up in the hussle and bussle in our lives and they can take a backseat. Take your dog to that further stretch of the park that you normally don't make it to- they'll get all excited and whilst their tails are wagging, your legs will be burning those extra few calories. Treat your cat to those extra special biscuits once and a while and let your hamster have an extra few minutes in his wheel. But most importantly just take some more time out of your day to devote to them.
-If you don't have a pet then go to round to a friends that does for a cuddle or alternatively watch cute videos online.I love this one!

5. Seasonal Tip- Invest in a new pair of slippers. Honestly the best part of my day is taking my shoes off and changing into mine! I now cant believe I was someone who used to walk about their house bare footed!

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